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[WEBINAR | INFO DAN] Culture Moves Europe – shema individualne mobilnosti

[WEBINAR | INFO DAN] Culture Moves Europe – shema individualne mobilnosti

Desk Kreativne Europe – Kultura organizira webinar s ciljem pružanje informacija o Pozivu za individualnu mobilnost umjetnika i kulturnih profesionalaca u sklopu sheme Culture Moves Europe.


Culture Moves Europe nova je permanentna shema mobilnosti financirana kroz program Kreativna Europa, a implementira ju Goethe Institut. Culture Moves Europe dodjeljuje sredstva umjetnicima, kulturnim profesionalcima i organizacijama domaćinima iz svih sektora unutar potprograma Kultura: arhitektura, dizajn, kulturna baština, modni dizajn, književni prijevodi, glazba, izvedbene i vizualne umjetnosti. Pozivom se umjetnicima i kulturnim profesionalcima nastoji omogućiti da istražuju, stvaraju, spoznaju i povezuju se s međunarodnim partnerima.


Trenutno otvoreni Poziv za individualnu mobilnost umjetnika i kulturnih profesionalaca koji su stariji od 18 godina te žive i rade u državama koje sudjeluju u programu Kreativna Europa otvoren je do 31. svibnja 2023. u 23:59 CEST. Do 2025. godine Culture Moves Europe otvorit će se još dva poziva u razdoblju od jeseni 2023. do proljeća 2024., te od jeseni 2024. do proljeća 2025. godine.



Informativni webinar održat će se u petak, 19. svibnja 2023. u 11 sati putem Zoom platforme, a shemu individualne mobilnosti predstavit će Malgorzata Szlendak iz Europske komisije koja će pružiti sve detalje potrebne za prijavu te odgovarati na pitanja sudionika.

Za sudjelovanje na webinaru potrebna je registracija putem e-obrasca, a poveznica za sudjelovanje bit će poslana na e-mail adresu sudionika na dan održavanja webinara.

Radni jezik webinara je engleski, a predviđeno trajanje je oko sat vremena.



Creative Europe Desk – Culture Office Croatia is hosting an info webinar on Culture Moves Europe's Call for individual mobility of artists and cultural professionals.


Culture Moves Europe is the new permanent mobility scheme funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and implemented by the Goethe-Institut. Culture Moves Europe offers mobility grants to artists, cultural professionals and residency hosts operating in the following sectors of the Culture strand: music, literary translation, architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, visual arts and performing arts. The aim of the Call is to allow the artists and cultural professionals to explore, create, learn and connect with other international partners.


The currently opened Call for individual mobility of artists and cultural professionals who are over 18 years old and are legal residents of the Creative Europe countries is open until 31 May 2023, 23.59 CET. By year 2025, Culture Moves Europe shall open two more calls: one between autumn 2023 and spring 2024, and the other between autumn 2024 and spring 2025.



The info webinar shall take place on Friday, 19 May 2023 at 11am CET on Zoom where Malgorzata Szlendak from the European Commission shall introduce the individual mobility scheme, provide the necessary details for the application and answer the participants' questions.

In order to participate in the webinar, the participants first must fill out the registration form. The link for the webinar shall be provided via e-mail on the day of the webinar.

The working language is english and the expected duration is one hour.