Pomaknimo granice!

Digital Inter/Section

Digital Inter/Section 1
Digital Inter/Section 2

Project description

Digital arts and cultures organisations are a key resource for a conscious digital shift of the whole CCS, a role being reinforced by the post-pandemic context. However, they are poorly recognized, and their economic models are fragile. Digital Inter/Section aims at experimenting in diversifying their sources of income and business models, while promoting a sustainable, ethical and inclusive economic development, for a CSS’s digital shift in line with European values. This will be done by designing and testing new services and products in the framework of heterogeneous alliances between digital arts organisations and private companies, analyzing them and drawing from these a tested methodology for business model diversification, replicable by other digital arts or CCS organisations, alongside international studies, the aggregation of an international business community and many conferences and events.

4 types of activities will be carried out:

1 - Diagnosis and initial analysis
2 - Testing and collective sharing of new sustainable business models
3 - Creating international alliances and opportunities
4 - Developing and disseminating methodologies and preconisations amongst the CCS

The project will involve the 4 main digital arts organisations and 30 private companies which will cooperate, and 5000 to 10.000 organisations of diverse sectors, that will benefit from the dissemination of the replicable methodology, recommendations and alliances model.


- Innovation


- Digital