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Translators in Focus

Translators in Focus
Translators in Focus

Project description

Translators In Focus project strives to increase the visibility of translator's profession by putting them in various roles where their abilities can really shine. The importance of literary translators as crucial mediators and ambassadors between cultures and languages has been recognized long ago. However, in practice their role in the book sector often ends the moment they hand over their translation to the publisher. This project aims to harness their full potential by presenting their work in both educational and promotional activities. Every book in this project will have a translator's afterword, a valuable contribution towards a critical and theoretical positioning of the novel in the wider public discourse. Furthermore, this project's main activity will be encouraging language students to practice translation and learn from accomplished professionals in order to motivate younger generations to pursue a career in translation. Translators In Focus will also bring 4 (out of 5) authors to Zagreb where they will be able to present their work, and discuss it with their translator. Overall, it will ensure better visibility, recognition and support for literary translators as highly skilled professionals and passionate bibliophiles. Translators In Focus project brings a small, but powerful, literary package that includes five works of fiction, written in five lesser-used languages (Dutch, Slovenian, Danish, Swedish and Polish) and translated by five different translators. Through these five novels their authors, each in their own significant way, discuss topics that still permeate our everyday lives as Europeans: poverty, feminism, remembrance, romance, capitalism, totalitarianism and art. Overall, this project brings together translators, authors, publishers, editors, university professors and students and hopes to establish good practices that will promote translators and motivate younger generations to become translators themselves.


- Transnational creation and circulation


- Audience

- Sector priority