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More Than a Story

More Than a Story
More Than a Story

Project description

MORE THAN A STORY is a 3-year project with three main goals: helping the circulation of children’s literature translated from underrepresented languages in the Croatian market, increasing the circulation of Croatian literature for children in other countries in Europe and beyond, and reaching new audience of children, parents and influential adults. This will be achieved with the cooperation of 5 small publishers from Croatia (coordinator), Italy, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Spain, who will translate 25 titles from 10 European languages into Croatian, and 3 Croatian titles into 9 languages (Italian, Macedonian, Slovene, Spanish, Basque, Galician, Catalan, English and Ukrainian). The books will be distributed throughout the partner’s countries, with the special contribution of the Spanish partner, will also distribute their Spanish edition in Mexico, Columbia, Chile and the US, and the distribution of the English title into the UK. The coordinator of the project from Croatia will put a special emphasis on attracting the audience from the age group of 9 – 12-year-olds, addressing the gap in the Croatian market regarding the availability of both translated literature and organised programs. The coordinator will also start a series of educational seminars for influential adults called More than a story, which will present in depth analysis of all books from the project to those working with children, by professionals. With 14 author tours, we will also contribute to transnational mobility of artists. The estimated reach of this project is 500.000 people including the target groups of children, parents, teachers and industry professionals. The digital reach of the project is expected to be much higher, with the dissemination of results on-going even after the project is finished.


- Transnational creation and circulation


- International dimension