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Landscape of Emotions: Concept, Context, Contact

2019 Sandorf Landscape 01
2019 Sandorf Landscape 02
2019 Sandorf Landscape 03
2019 Sandorf Landscape 04


- audience development

Project description

Literature harbours the entire spectrum of human emotions and dwells on the subject and the role of emotions in literature in general, pointing out their importance in forming any story, narrative line or fabulised composition. The Landscape of emotions project aims to achieve the cathartic moment in the process of reading the selected works, which talk about the complex subject of human emotions, drawing the picture of the current mental and physical landscapes of emotions of contemporary Europeans.

Project objective

The aim of the project is connecting the Croatian readership with the diverse and multilingual European literary scene through the best literary achievements.

Gained experience

In cooperation with the best Croatian literary translators we brought Sandorf's literary production to a new level by at the same time producin interesting and apealing new titles which belong to the very tom of the contemporary European literature.