Pomaknimo granice!

REVIVE - Sustainable and Inclusive Living Spaces for Future Generations

Kick-off meeting, ©REVIVE

Project description

REVIVE project is exploring topics of sustainability in heritage through living public spaces, digital technologies, arts and crafts and intercultural dialogue. REVIVE will integrate knowledge and experience from six countries and cultures in a cross-sectoral approach, to explore the challenges of using cultural heritage as an inspiration, including young creative minds in enriching communities and experimenting with new living models, designs and approaches in declining historic towns and sites. This will be achieved through physical and virtual experimentation in four selected specific urban sites, each facing their own challenges common to many cities, towns and villages across Europe. Young talents who will be participating in the live experiments in four countries will be chosen on the basis of the open call, launching in January 2024. They will prepare for the on site work during the online bootcamps, while the general public will be invited to join the open capacity building online seminars on the above mentioned topics throughout the project.


- Innovation


- Sustainability

- Sector priority