Pomaknimo granice!

Professional Media Presence

Professional Media Presence 1
Professional Media Presence 2
Professional Media Presence 3

Project description

priorities of digital transition and social inclusion are at the focus. PMP answers the need to better understand both social and traditional media, to better harness them as tools for professional practices and identity professional self-expression at the European creative and cultural sector. PMP enables the creation of an artist’s own professional media self, teaches principles and best practices, and provides an accessible media practice toolkit, created in an inclusive manner, for wider creative sector purposes. There are currently no guidelines for professional media practices for artists, usable e.g., in formal or non-formal art education. The need for this kind of content, support and development is growing as the role of media in our lives grows; this has happened especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

PMP will consist of a 5-part online seminar series, offering accessible media education for artists and creative organizations all over Europe. Each seminar will be followed by a 5-day workshop event, where best media practices for artists will be co-developed and co-created with a horizontal FATAA method. The workshop events will be followed by artist residencies and editorial work, resulting in the main outcome of PMP: Professional Media Practices for Artists- toolkit. Since PMP tailors media education for artists, continuous dissemination, e.g., a podcast series, hybrid exhibition series, professional articles and social media campaigns will also be an important part of PMP. The work will be done in National Artist Teams. They consist of artists with disadvantaged backgrounds, fewer opportunities, and those, whose careers have suffered from the COVID19 crisis: PMPs main target group. The other target groups include European creative organizations, art education organizations and art educators, funders and decision makers, and artists on a global scale.


- Transnational creation and circulation


- Social inclusion

- Digital