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Our Little Library: Through Literary Bridges to Reading Adventures

Our Little Library
Our Little Library 1
Our Little Library 2

Project description

Our project aims to publish a collection of 12 co-editions of high-quality children's books in three different languages. We have carefully curated a selection of captivating children's books, spanning various genres and themes, ensuring they resonate with young readers across different cultures and languages. Each book will undergo a meticulous translation process, maintaining the essence and charm of the original text, allowing them to reach a broader audience. By promoting co-editions, we aim to transcend language barriers and expand the international reach of these works, enabling young minds from diverse backgrounds to explore the imaginative worlds created by our exceptional authors and illustrators. Through this initiative, we aspire to bridge the gap between European literary landscapes, fostering mutual understanding and cultural exchange. By nurturing a more coherent European literary market, we seek to promote a sense of shared identity and celebrate the rich diversity of our continent's creative expressions.


- Transnational creation and circulation


- Audience

- International dimension