Pomaknimo granice!

Musicville - Green European Opera

Musicville, Museum © Katja Bidovec

Project description

Musicville is a project between Slovenia, Croatia and Austria running from 2023 until end of 2024 that aims to transform the classical European musical form of Opera into a new, innovative, and creative collaboration inspired by environmental awareness, nature, local crafts and traditions. At the heart of the project are sustainable, participatory and interdisciplinary artistic practices with the aim of activating different communities and audiences. The idea behind the project is to improve the resilience and well-being of artists by learning new skills in a practical and peerto-peer approach, enabling artists to collaborate with young and experienced professionals from a variety of artistic and non-artistic backgrounds to create new and unexpected venues for contemporary music production and presentation.


- Transnational creation and circulation


- Audience

- Sustainability

- International dimension