Pomaknimo granice!


ModulACT 1
ModulACT 2

Project description

Festivals while being a cornerstone of culture, due to their complex logistics they have often a significant carbon footprint on the environment. From energy consumption (transportation/transfers, power for the events), to material waste (consumables, construction materials, structures). The impact of this process not only is harming the environment but also places the organizers in a difficult position. Our goal is holistically sustainable mechanisms that will engage the audience in the process and we will innovate towards the longevity of the environment and the festival. This will be an investment of resources in innovation, by creating a project that tackles both Innovation and sustainability on the following 3 mechanisms:

1. Engaging the audience in product reuse, waste reduction and recycling practices – recycled plastic products

2. Development of devices that use renewable energy sources to power the festival

3. Modules for reusable materials


- Innovation


- Audience

- Social inclusion

- Sustainability

- Digital

- International dimension