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CODES - CO-DEsign for Sustainability

CODES - CO-DEsign for Sustainability
Logo © CODES - CO-DEsign for Sustainability

Project description

CODES deals with the reinforcement of the Fashion and Design sector (F&D) in tackling thetransformations of a changing world which are strongly affecting the artistic creation and the related value chain. Market trends and business models, technological innovation and work distribution, customers attitudes and sustainable concepts to be integrated in the design process are some of the key challenges facing the F&D sector. Thanks to a co-design process, CODES will engage actors of the F&D sector to develop a digital collaborative tool which will contribute to enhance technical skills and market focus.

The CODES collaborative tool aims to facilitate these processes being able to provide and share tools and services based on emerging technologies enabling product innovation, for a “new manufacturing revolution”, supported by “new digital artisans” in the F&D sector. The tool will also favour the international collaboration between F&D operators and manage the Copyright issues of the designed products.


- Innovation


- Digital access