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Artists for Artists Residency Network: AFAR Network

Artists for Artists Residency Network
Artists for Artists Residency Network logo © ARAC

Project description

Artists for Artists Residency Network (AFAR) is an EU funded project, aiming to improve the mobility of contemporary visual artists and curators in the four European partner regions - Romania, Germany, Croatia, and Austria. The project is led by the Romanian Association for Contemporary Art (ARAC) with its three international partners – The Goethe Institute network, the Croatian Association of Fine Artists, and Künstlerhaus Vienna. The project provides a range of new opportunities to art practitioners of all ages, across a variety of artistic mediums and backgrounds, with special regard to women in the arts and gender equality, to become involved in a series of residencies, fellowships, talks, and exhibitions where they can contribute and work together with their peers in creating self-sustainable models of mutual support and cooperation.


- Transnational creation and circulation


- Social inclusion

- Sustainability