Performing the Museum

- Audience development
Project description
Each partner museum will try to, through Performing the Museum, establish an active dialogue with the public through presentations, dedicated productions, educational workshops and presentations of artistic research. The goal is to make employees and the broader public more aware of institutional resources that reach beyond the usual constraints of museum collections, permanent display and museum exhibitions. The project wants to shed light on museum documentation, the architecture and exhibition conditions, the context of art mediation and production, the written and unwritten history of instituitons, its employees and the public as valuable resources as well.
Project objective
The partner museums strive to re-evaluate and rethink their collections, archives and methodologies in order to create knowledge and connect with various audiences. The most important museum practice is to actively involve the public in museum processes.

<p>The Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb (HR) </p>
<p>Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts (SI), The Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina (RS), Antoni Tàpies Foundation (ES)</p>
01.01.2015. – 31.10.2016.