Mapping the Blind Spot

- Audience development
Project description
Personal and national histories contain many blind spots: distorted and false memories. During their lives individuals and communities are repeatedly attempting to (re)interprete the past. Therefore, people obtain different strategies, often manipulating with facts.
Works of literature we chose speak about these non-linear processes which are part of everyone’s experience. What connects them all is mapping the blind spots and an implicit call for a reader to rethink his own personal past and the past of a society he lives in.
Our project 'Mapping the Blind Spot' consists of translation of seven novels, of which five novels received the EU Literary Prize.
Project objective
Translation of seven novels from European authors to the Croatian language.
Gained experience
Sandorf's team had earned a valuable experience through working on editing the translations of exquisite works originally written in different European languages, as well as through communicating with the Croatian audience which is very interesed in gaining a deeper insight in the quality European literary production. Through the communication with the authors themselves we also established an important exchange of observations and experiences and gained certain knowledge about how different national book markets in around Europe function.

<p>Sandorf (HR)</p>
15.02.2017. - 31.01.2019.