Our Little Library: Let's meet children's authors and illustrators

- Transnational mobility
- Audience development
Project description
Project OLL is divided in two groups, considering the age of the children taking part in it.
• Books and activities for age 4 to 8 (Slovenia, Poland, Latvia and Estonia)
• Books and activities for age 8 to 11, for children that can read fluently and are able to deal with more complicated tasks (Croatia, Slovenia, Lithuania)
In the first year of the project we have published all the books we planned, and now we are about to publish additional material – creative books. Together with the books that schools are obliged to buy if they want to take a part in the project, schools will receive those creative books for every child in a group. During the Autmn starts the second phase of the project when the programme will be implemented in schools. This phase will finish at the end of the school year and then awards will be given to the children – authors of the best works. All the books in the project are published in all the languages from the group i.e. Croatian book is published in Slovenia and Lithuania.
Project objective
Goal of the project is to support trans-national mobility of people working in cultural sector, to encourage trans-national circulation of artistic and cultural works and products, to build new audiences and to deepen relationship with them.
Gained experience
The project hosts authors, illustrators and publishers in order to meet, exchange ideas, promote their work and discuss plans for future projects. Authors' exchanges and cooperation with schools presents their work to wider audiences as well as deepen the relationship with the existing ones. Together with the partners we publish some of the books and that is the way how to cut down the costs. We meet annually to discuss the programe and monitor the project and in this way we built the good base for future cooperation and enlarged possibilities for Croatian works to be published in other languages.

<p>AGENCJA EDYTORSKA EZOP SC ELZBIETA I MARIOLA CICHY (PL), <strong>Ibis grafika d.o.o. (HR)</strong>, Liels un mazs (LV), NIEKO RIMTO UAB (LT), OÜ Päike ja Pilv (EE)</p>
30.10.2017. - 29.10.2019.