LJEVAK – EUROPEA 2018-2019
- Transnational mobility
- Audience development
Project description
Naklada Ljevak’s Creative Europe - Literary Translation project 2018 - 2019 consists of eight literary works by European authors to be translated into Croatian language. When making this selection the following criteria were taken into consideration: literary quality that would allow the circulation of literary works between domicile countries of the authors and Croatian public, and literary awards. All of the authors proposed in this project have been recognized in and outside their own countries as high quality authors most of whom have been heralds of new waves of literature in their countries and beyond. Being guided by the above criteria and paying attention to representatives of lesser-used languages (Romanian, Czech, Italian and Slovenian), and from lesser translated literature in Croatia (Austrian, Romanian, Czech and Irish), we proposed the following books to be translated into Croatian language: Donal Ryan: THE SPINNING HEART (awarded EUPL in 2015), Donal Ryan: THE THING ABOUT DECEMBER, Anna Kim: DIE GEFROZENE ZEIT (awarded EUPL in 2012), Dario Fo: QUASI PER CASO UNA DONNA: CRISTINA DI SVEZIA, Bianca Bellová: JEZERO (awarded EUPL in 2017), Marek Šindelka: ÚNAVA MATERIÁLU , Jasmin B. Frelih: NA/POL (awarded EUPL in 2016), Claudiu M. Florian: VÂRSTELE JOCULUI. STRADA CETĂŢII (awarded EUPL in 2016).
Project objective
We were concentrated on the cultural and intellectual aspects of the proposed books with the aim of promoting the circulation of the European literary works by introducing to the Croatian reading public other cultures and thereby helping them learn about common European heritage.
Gained experience
This is a project in progress, so we shall have the first results by the end of 2018. So far, everything goes as planned.
<p>Naklada Ljevak d.o.o. (HR)</p>
01.01.2018. - 31.12.2019.