Shadow Pandemic: Hidden Voices

Project description
The Shadow Pandemic: Hidden Voices project addresses the issue of violence against women during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. This issue, often swept under the rug, has also taken pandemic proportions, and the project addresses it at three levels: the drama script, its staging/production, and drama workshops on the subject of violence for the young. Considering that theatres are there to build bridges of trust and cooperation between people, the aim of this project is to raise awareness, especially among young people, about specific issues of violence against women in the circumstances of imposed lockdown. The project will issue an open call for proposals to women authors from Croatia, Slovenia, and Serbia and select three scripts/plays (in Croatian, Slovene, and Serbian) about violence in this context. The three scripts will then be produced as an omnibus that will involve about 30 artists from the region. Drama workshops will involve 60 young people, who will work on and rehearse the plays to better understand the issue of violence against women. The final result will be 11 performances in partner countries and Poland and Czechia, publication of the 3 plays in an e-book, and their translation into English.
- Transnational creation and circulation
- Audience
- Social inclusion

€ 200.000,00
<p>Zagrebačko kazalište mladih (HR)</p>
<p>Beogradsko dramsko pozorište (RS), Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor - Festival Borštnikovo srečanje (SI)</p>
01.09.2023. - 31.08.2024.