Enabled Theater

Project description
Persons with special needs can both produce and enjoy theater in many occasions, if provided the necessary platform to do so. Arts in general and theatre in particular can be very beneficiary for them. In the Western Balkans there is very little theatrical activity that is specialized for and/or about people with the special needs. This has brought Enabled Theatre, a project made by a consortium of experienced cultural organizations, which aims to establish and cultivate a theatre for and about the people with special needs. It also enables the mobility of the people with special needs and the people taking care about them. It will bring together the people with the special needs, the medical and other professionals that work with persons with special needs (psychologists, therapists, pedagogues and others), and professional artists (actors, musicians, visual artists, writers, directors).
It will take place in Budva, Montenegro; Novi Sad, Serbia and Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The participants will consist of the persons with the special needs, people accompanying them, and professional artists. They will have a series of the workshops together. This project will be beneficial both for the field of work with the people with special needs and also for the professional arts. The professional arts rarely consider the people with the special needs as the subject or the characters of the plays and films. While there is quite some talk about the inclusiveness in the arts of the Western Balkans, there is very little done about it. This project thus will be pioneering the bigger inclusiveness in Western Balkans and EU arts and also it will create the foundation for the first regional Balkan Arts Center for the People with the Special Needs.
- Transnational creation and circulation
- Audience
- Social inclusion

<p>East West Centar (BiH)</p>
<p>Serbian National Theatre (RS), <strong>Tala Dance Centre (HR)</strong>, JU Grad Teatar (ME)</p>
01.07.2022. - 30.06.2024.