Nadilaženje granica: ženski glasovi u europskoj književnosti

Project description
Tresspassing Boundaries: Female Voices in European Literature is a project that includes six novels translated from lesser-used languages in Croatia: Catalan, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish. By translating (publishing, promoting and distributing) novels written in languages which are under-represented we increase the diversity of European literature in Croatia and neighboring states such as Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, thus enriching our cultures with nondominant European cultural impacts and strengthening the transnational circulation of European literary works. The novels are written by accomplished female authors and thematize woman's experience and feminism, but also raise questions about gender inequality, social conventions and prejudices, immigration and multiculturalism, that directly addresses to the cross-cutting priorities of the call, such as gender balance, diversity and inclusion. Our distribution strategy ensures wide and easy access to the works, and our innovative promotional strategies enable us to reach new audiences, such as literary blogging, podcasts on Catalan and Scandinavian literature, round-table talk about immigration as a literary theme and multiculturalism in Europe and Croatia and book clubs in secondary schools in dislocated places. Book clubs Walking the planet will simultaneously take place in Croatian, Danish and Norwegian schools and students will be able to exchange their reading impressions and debate about ecological questions imposed by the books. Apart from the publication of the books, different activities in this project will both promote the books and European cultural and linguistic diversity and heritage, but also encourage the Croatian audience to creatively participate in making new added values.
- Transnational dimension
- International dimension
- Sector priority

1.12.2023. - 31.1.2025.